Well hi all,

over the past four years or so I have

been producing terrain for my gaming

needs well I Have now more terrain

then I need and have to find a new

direction for my gaming hobby.

So I have started to work as a

Mantic Pathfinder.

I love Kings of war , as well as

dead zone and Dreadball, so it was

easy to apply for the program.

So this blog will start with showcasing

my activities with the Mantic pathfinders


There will still be times I will

place terrain projects on the blog

but it will now be the home to the

adventures of a Mantic Pathfinder

in one of the remote capital city's

around the world, Perth Western Australia.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Garden of moor

I love the model but I really do not like the paint job. I feel I will be speading a lot of time in touch up to get it to where I like it. other options is sell it and start again. not sure yet.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

my next project

well thanks to the family and xmas this will be my next project

Arcane Ruins

Fortified Manor House

set you a bit different but all parts there

Dreadstone blight

let the leaves russel

the trees need a bit of work as I have been using them at club and the leaves ae not really club friendly and I will have to look at repaires with pins or magnets

temple of skulls

Witchfate Tor Tower of Sorcery

There is my attempt at the tower

terrain storm of magic

 eterity stair

 Dreadfire portal

 Balewind vortex

 Magewrath throne

all four

well this begins our blog

I love terrain and as such I have come up with a plan

I will over the first 4 months plan to write a scenario and build a table with a theme, then I plan to have a mini campaign and hobby day. With the tables I have made. I hope to make them as modular as possible so I can reset them with different terrain and a new scenario and have a new game day. I have the battle in the badlands book and it has given me some great ideas.

I also hope to run a Warhammer campaign at the club. I have converted about 6 players back to WHFB after they all rage quit 8th. Will keep it small as this is the first one I have run looking for about 6-8 player. Will use the mighty empire tiles, it is a good painting project. Maybe make certain tiles represent one of the tables I have made and the scenario written.

I will also be running two tournaments again this year for the club( I have been less of a tournament player and more of a theme player now, but this is how the club buy new terrain each year. Each system runs events then any profits can be spent on terrain for that system.)

I am also have started a VC army late last year and now I am on hold just painting until the new book drops.

Looking at it I really need to start a blog to follow my progress……