Well hi all,

over the past four years or so I have

been producing terrain for my gaming

needs well I Have now more terrain

then I need and have to find a new

direction for my gaming hobby.

So I have started to work as a

Mantic Pathfinder.

I love Kings of war , as well as

dead zone and Dreadball, so it was

easy to apply for the program.

So this blog will start with showcasing

my activities with the Mantic pathfinders


There will still be times I will

place terrain projects on the blog

but it will now be the home to the

adventures of a Mantic Pathfinder

in one of the remote capital city's

around the world, Perth Western Australia.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

welcome to the mountain

well I have been working on the link display for the mine table to use to link the bad lands table to the under ground table.

this is an enterace to the hold.

next up will be detail and then the start of the badlands table.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I worked on the new table

well I have been working on the new  6x4 under ground table. It is based an long unused drawf hold.

up next will be some scatter terrain, and some minning equipment.

I also have been working on the water wffect with some clear resin

Monday, February 23, 2015

gaming table and display boards - my veiw

One of my other parts of the hobby I enjoy is the terrain building.
I just had a listen to the latest Mantic Radio pod cast and would like to say one of my Favs I am a terrain guy and this one is about display boards, well display boards to me are just gaming tables after the shrink ray has been used. 
Display boards should tell a story that enhances the army that is displays; they add character and give context to the army in action.
Well gaming tables should do the same, tell a story, enhance the armies on the table - if a player is going to spend hours to painting those armies then the tables need to finish them off.  Each table should add character to the game and all the fun that can be had.

Five years ago I and a couple of mates started a club in the local area, now there is a whole article on that but not for now. When we stated we had to find terrain and tables for the players to use. Back then I made tables out of whatever I could get my hands on the experimented with building them.
Some were good some not so good but we always had painted tables even back then.
I also had to send my hobby money on the purchase of terrain for the club to use.
In those early days a lot of the tables had themes and character as they were all hand built the tables all had a story to tell.
these are some of the old tables when the club started a deadlands and a first type jungle table

Well one of the things I have ensured I do when I build tables is to make sure they have those elements of enhancing the armies, telling a story and adding character.
There are even times I have been known to build a table; this can take up to 60 hours of work just for an event or campaign. But to me that is what the game is.
                     above is the Castle walls I built for an event, as well as a jungle table for the club held a lustria campaign

I will event write rules for the table to use, these help add character and also help with the fact there may be terrain limitations for units, e.g. if we are playing in a dwarf hold there is only troops on foot (horses do not like the dark), and any model with flight or hover can only walk (ouch I hit my head). These to me are what I like to play on.
With that in mind I have really had to do some thinking about the topic and how do we play the game.  It also got me to thinking about the next project for my terrain efforts.
Those in mind I like to bring at least one new gaming table to life each year. These tables always have theme and character, with the only thing that is generic is the game system, I like to build them so they can be used in multiple systems. How I have a plan this year to build a series of linked tables so that if I would put them all together they will tell a story as well. The tables are always 8x4 allowing for use in larger games or for give the players more room.
This is where I hope to take the next phase of my terrain building, on the plan I hope to take the tables from the mountains to the sea. So when you look down the row of empty tables or join then together you will see the story.
So up first is year will involve a bit of a refit I made a cavern table about three years ago, this is just a basic one I hope to rebuild the table and make repairs to the table to bring it up to what I build now. Then this will lead to an abyssal table next. I am looking to having these finished by May for my Kings of War event – these will be the feature tables for the event.
        The caven table to rebuild.
But thank you for the podcast boys and keep it up I cannot wait for the terrain cast.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

what is comming up for the Pathfinder

Well I have had a busy time at work and life , Dut they are all excussess so on with the show.
I have now started planing the events I will run this year.

First up a dread ball legue due to start march 22nd,
this is a season one two and three teams no Mvps,

This is about getting the players learning the game and league rules.

Second is I have booked the day for the Kings of War - Kings of Perth event.
this will take place at a local club on sunday 24 - may - 2015
I hope to get at least 12 to this event so that i can beat the number of players at Kings of Brisbaine, It is important that we west coast do it better.
This means i need a new table by May.
I am a bit of a terrain guy so when the oppertunity to build a new table is arround I will. I like to built a feature table for each event I run some thing new and different. So three months to put it together may just have time..

so two events planed and work started.

I all so have been keeping up with the tour of stores and location to demo the games I play, Mantic.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A look at my Deadzone

As a player I am a play it painted type of player.
So as a pathfinder I also bring the play it painted attitude to the hobby as all of the events and leagues I run do have painting as a component, even if only three colour blocks. So I thought I would give you a look at the dead zone I have painted so far. From time to time I will display the model collection for the games to show that even 10 Min's a day and you can have a lot of painted armies.

so not only minis have a play it painted for me so dose the terrain. if people are willing to put effort into their models i have to give them a suitable place to play.