Well it is mid-way through the year and I came across a
small list I wrote at the beginning of the year,
The 2013 hobby goal, so here we are in July, so how am I tracking.
Let’s take a look at the list and have a look how well I am doing.
1. Paint one mini a day (buy no more minis
2. One new Malifaux table – circus
3 one new fantasy tables
4 Weekly update for both my blogs – firewaterportal and
5 run four privet events / gaming days
6 paint and play dread ball
8 Play 52 games of WHFB
9 play 26 games of malifaux, complete the mal league
10 play 6 games of kings of war
11 play 6 games of dread ball
12 start a weekly family board game night.
That was the list well I did have some personal goals at the
time with the hobby. So the question is how well have I done up to date and
will I complete the tasks, has my gaming changed since January.
1. Well painting one mini a day, I keep track of my entire
mini painting over at the http://windwaterportal.blogspot.com.au/
The tracking is completed 177 minis this year. So the 365
target is still in sight. A couple of large units and I am there.
The not buying and mins a fail, I have acquired over 244
this year, I still have kings of war minis
to come from their kick-starter due in August, and the reaper bones minis to
come, due July.
2. I have completed a circus table for malifaux
I also have a jungle table, and a basic streets table (still
working on detail but usable.) and one other under construction the rose
theatre. So yes this is done and over. All
my terrain projects can be found at my terrain blog
one of the big things is I have been have so much fun with
terrain that I have been painting less minis.
4. Weekly update of blogs well not so good I properly do it
every two to three weeks so some work there. But there are up dates this year
which is better than last year.
5 the running of four privet events well I have run one a
fantasy event this year. The low turnout and the finding a venue that I could
run an event is the biggest issue. I am looking at a second event about November
with one of the other club members so we will see what happens next.
6. dread ball this is one I have wanted to be part of since
it was announced and have not been able to fit it in as of yet this year. That being
said the plan is to start a league later this year about August at the club and
get those games in and minis painted. I have them on the painting table in
order to loan teams out to players so we can run the league with min cost.
8 – 11
Playing games well this is a little bit of a downer; I have
not played as many games as I liked but that does come with time. The only
gamming I seem to have time for is at the club on a Friday night and being a
club officer if there is an uneven number of players in the systems I play I
have to sit out so that all the members get games. This is one of the ways the
club has been able to grow if you come down we find you a game, if not we teach
you a new one or a board game.
So only have
In 26 weeks
12 of fantasy
2 intro games of dread ball
6 of malifaux and a 4 game achievment event
0 kings of war
So need to game more…
12 the family game night, well we get about one game in each
month so it is better than before, we just need to keep it up as the more games
we play the more fun the kids seem to think it is.
That is what has happened with the 2013 hobby goal to date.
The future and the past well the first 6 months has also
seen me do other things, I have been involved in running two of the club events,
so not mine but club events this dose
take up my hobby time.
I have completed and painted 2 tables of GW 40K terrain for
the club as well as 2 Fantasy tables, of terrain for the club.
Spent some time learning how to cast resin and create
terrain pieces and model spares,
I have been involved heavily with the launch of the X-wing
star wars mini game, play 4 games and completed about 4 demos so I have a new
focus for my space combat game since BFG is now dead.
Have played 2 games of 40k this is not my primary game but
still one I like.
The other is I am the terrain guy and love to build it , one
of the reasons this year my malifaux terrain has been get a large work out is
the fact we are going to run a malifaux event in November and the tables are
3x3 with a theme. This is the way gaming tables should be themed and painted so
it really has given me a boost.